Archive for the SiteNews Category

Summer Heat

Well as it approaches 90 this week in West Michigan the Ice Guys are dreaming of walking on water. Spending some time prepping for a season of seminars. Make sure you have your friends sign up for updates from

We are securing sponsors and talking to sporting goods shops about locations for the ice fishing seminars.

The moon the weather

With a new moon and snowy weather even late march gift ice proves challenging to the best

Good luck out there!

Ice Guys on Video

A friend of the showThom, from 8 Legged Monster here in GR brought out his GoPro Hero3.

Check out his work on this little piece  on Facebook.


Thin Ice

Guys it has gotten to be the time of year when we are loosing ice. If you can take a moment to report ice fishing conditions it would really help those of us headed out for a few last messes of fish.

Report Ice


Survive falling through

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO! There is no such thing as 100 percent safe ice! These are the rough thickness guidelines for new clear ice: ? 4″ of new clear ice is the minimum thickness for travel on foot. ? 5″ is minimum for snowmobiles and ATVs. ? 8″- 12″ for cars or small trucks. ? 12″-15″ for medium pickup. What if YOU fall in? Try not to panic. Instead, remain calm and turn toward the direction you came from. Place your hands and arms on the unbroken surface of the ice (here’s where ice picks would come in handy.) Work forward on the ice by kicking your feet. If the ice breaks, maintain your position and slide forward again. Once you are laying on the ice, don’t stand. Instead, roll away from the hole. That spreads out your weight until you are on solid ice. This sounds much easier than it is to do in reality. SurviveFallingThrough the Ice The best advice is don’t put yourself into needless danger by venturing out too soon in the season. Be safe out there!

NOAA 3 Month Forecast

Just saw the new long term forecasts  Not too bad.   we should have a fairly normal winter.   Jet Stream looks like we may have a cold week coming.   Hope to see those Ice Reports coming in so I can get my bucket on the ice.



While your waiting for ice to form why not learn some new knots at


Well I bet most of you are wondering what we can expect in the 2012-2013 hard water season. Well here are the links I found to some long term forecasts.


I trust you will let me know if you find better information.

'Chat' Post | By on October 23, 2012


As unbelievable as it sounds I ran into some one the other day that did not have fishing license yet. It is the law and the money you spend on a license does go to help preserve our natural resources. So I thought I would share this list of where you can pick up a license and maybe some new toys.

Michigan DNR License Agents


Well as summer has dished out weather that makes you think that Ice will never form on the lakes, we have decided to press on and launch MI Ice Guys.   Last winter gave us a lot of time to talk about fishing, since the Ice was so hard to find and catch.   A result of this was the idea that we share our knowledge, stories, and equipment deals.

We hope that you will join us this fall as we produce podcasts to listen to on the ice.  Why podcasts?  Why not radio?   Although I do enjoy listening to talk radio and in fact contribute to several shows, you have to remember to turn on the radio at the right time.  But I know, you can download many shows as podcasts.  So why not just skip the radio bit and just publish podcasts you can subscribe to on your smartphone, or tablet, and listen when you have time.  Besides radio time is expensive.

So stay tuned and keep an eye open for the MI Ice Guys stickers on buckets and sled this winter.